If you want more, PM me.
"Not Feeling It", you have a PM.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
If you want more, PM me.
"Not Feeling It", you have a PM.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
this seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.. out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort.
i was wondering how many confirmations we have about this.
there were only a few that sounded like confirmations that i found posted on this site.
Hello everyone. This seems to be the topic of the week, if not this year.
Out of the many points and countless threads about this topic, many have been speculative and of the reminiscing sort. I was wondering how many CONFIRMATIONS we have about this. There were only a few that sounded like confirmations that I found posted on this site. There may have been more that I didn't find.
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156826/1.ashx (yesidid = confirmed from reliable source. We don't know if source is JW??)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156831/1.ashx (sir82, a JW elder heard from his PO about a special annoucement, no details)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/156799/2875029/post.ashx#2875029 (dozy = like sir82, heard from PO about annoucement, no details)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156887/1.ashx (outofthebox = talked with PO and said PO was PO'd that he knew. Closest to confirmation)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/156788/2873946/post.ashx#2873946 (oneairhead = reliable source. We don't know if source is JW??)
How many of these confirmations are from JW sources? Some confirmations are only about a special announcement on April 27th. Some about a restructure of congregational meetings. Is that enough for you to say this change is legitimate regarding book study at private home elimination? Do we have anybody here, besides those listed above, who actually confirmed with an active JW Presiding Overseer about this annoucement?
I just want to be sure of this. Nothing wrong with that. I do want to mention that this site does have an impeccable ability to catch and announce "confidential matters" before it is broadcasted publicly at the local Kingdom Halls and conventions/assemblies. That is one thing I like about JWD. If this so-called rumor is true, then my faith in JWD's forum arena will be heightened even more so.
I'll wait, like everyone else, for Sunday April 27th to verify this. However, I still would like to have some other posters add to this list by mentioning that they confirmed this with an active JW elder.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
official speculation thread.... even if a reason is given for the meeting rearrangement when it is announced on 4/27, we all know how the society spins things (e.g., awake magazine being reduced to one issue per month to "put more emphasis on the bible" real reason.. .
so why is the society doing this?
on the surface, it seems to be a loosening of control.
Saw my inquiry was answered in another post.
a huge announcement will be made in the end of watchtower study next weekend.
we may post here the main issue soon.
Consolidated mid-week meeting? Sounds good.
However, what will happen with the book study overseer's duties? I always thought that the WTS wanted to have a closer eye on these mini-groups in order to keep them in line and whip them into shape. By having a dedicated and assigned elder to do this, the WTS will have a tighter grip on the flock.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. By the way, JWRESEARCH, welcome to JWD and for making your first post one that no other JW elder who regularly posts here confirm it yet. Are you an elder?
an elder read a letter last night, and i practically giggled through the whole thing.
his poorly manufactured gravitas was most amusing, given the ludicrous content of the letter.. it seems the society is pissed that the friends aren't choosing the "recommended lodging" when going to conventions.
i remembered two important details about the letter.
How hard would it be for everybody here to call the hotels on the list
Now I finally got it!
That MUST be the reason why our secretary always announces every year in regards to the district convention that the lodging list is NOT to be photocopied with the congregation copy machine. Everyone has to gather around that one list and jot down all the pertinent information by hand.
Right Oompa, just imagine if a photocopied list got out into the hands of non-JWs/ex-JWs.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
...to only being called to heaven as part of the 144k?
god is not partial, and does not predestine people, so why could first century christians not have had an option for paradise on earth?
i got to thinking about this since last year wt opened the doors to heaven again for the masses for the first time since 1935. .
Good question Oompa.
However, a typical JW answer would be taken from this:
(Revelation 14:4) 4 These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones that keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb,
"Firstfruits" is what JWs will define as those with the heavenly calling as being selected first and foremost.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
P.S. Don't ask me to defend this position. I'm just relating to you what would possilby be the JW answer to your "If" question.
has anyone seen these new bookstudy slips?
they have a chart where the conducter is to put a check mark after each meeting the student attends and then average it out at the end of the month.
whats next?
I haven't seen or heard of slips of this type. Currently I'm the book study group assistant to the overseer and I have yet to come across any charts that are designed to record attendance of individuals, whether baptized or not.
"yourmomma", this may be an isolated case in your congregation or book study group.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
sometimes i get flak for not having more "spiritual" associates.
the reason i don't really care for pioneers is that whatever interests or hobbies they have get replaced by the whole pioneering thing.
they become less like normal people and become more a clone of what a good dub "should" be.
The reason I don't really care for pioneers is that whatever interests or hobbies they have...
What "hobbies or interests" do pioneers have? (other than anything theocratic related)
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
i have a reading scheduled on may 15th in atlanta, ga. it is a new restaurant called the lamplighter cafe.
as an exjw, my book is about the experiences me and my friend faced gowing up in the religion and trying to be normal adults.
my book is called 'the colon chronicles'.
Will you be translating your work into English, or will it only be available in Gibberish?
Dud comeback.
Nathan, believe it or not, you need to work on your feeble attempts at wit. Doc58, I hope your endeavors are successful. Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)i received an email from a sister-undercover -apostate saying someone had posted on her anti-jw group that there was a boe dated march 1, 2008 about local kh financial accounts and the wts.. my fading doesn't always let me log-on much and i couldn't find anything under "boe letter" with last month search tool.
has this been discussed?
i stopped by the kh today and checked the board and we had nothing posted (not really expecting to see it posted either).. here is the cut/paste of her email to me:.
Here is the thread on it:
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)